Jaded Nightmares

Jaded Nightmares
My book and the link to buy it.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Muse is on vacation

So I have taken over two weeks off debating what to blog about and how to get the characters in my book to come out and play so to speak....

Nothing is working and I think my muse is on vacation on some tropical island sipping cocktails and enjoying the pool while I sit here staring at my computer monitor praying the words start to flow again....

I am at a complete lose for what to do to get the words flowing. My favorite music is not working, reading books is not working and playing scrabble is not working..Sighs I have never had writers block this bad before and it sucks!!!

Crossing my fingers and hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I have been trying like crazy to come up with something new for my blog and it is not working out so well. I can't seem to get my blog to post to my fb account. I can't decide how I want to put my characters in the blog.....

So overall I am still stuck and debating what the heck I am doing here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


*dances around happily* I hit the 100 page mark today on Novel 2. Still no title, but I can say that the words are starting to flow more easily now then they did before and I am becoming more confident in my writing. Now if I can just figure out how to make my blog more appealing that would make this week better...lol

Friday, April 13, 2012


Wow the words finally started to flow yesterday and I was able to crank out 10 pages. That felt really good, now if the muse would be so kind and let me start writing today that would really make me happy. I am trying to write at least 2 pages a day. Yes that is small, but it keeps me on task or at least I hope it would. So far it seems to have made my brain say enough give it a rest. I am not on a deadline to finish this novel I just want to get it moving along. I would love to have this novel done this year instead of 5 years later like hte first one.
Ok even babbling time to drink some coffee and see if the words flow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Ok, so it's been almost a week since I last blogged. OOPSS!! I have written 14 pages in the Novel 2. Still not name for it yet. I just love the way you can sit down with an idea on what you are going to write and then it changes after the second sentence.
I am still trying to get used to this whole blogging thing. Not quiet sure what to put in it. I do know that it does seem to help with keeping me on task.

Friday, April 6, 2012


I wrote absolutely nothing yesterday. Kind of depressing, but I know it happens I just need to take a deep breath and know that the words will flow as soon as I calm down and let them.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Yesterday was a slower writing day I only wrote 6 pages, but the second chapter took on hell of a turn that I was not expecting and I had to stop writing to just reread everything again. I still find it amazing when you see something in your head and you start typing or writing it up and then it changes dramatically when you reread it. I find it to be difficult at times, yet a blessing as well. Without those changes that come while writing I think my books might be just space taking up my hard drive, if that makes sense.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I was able to write 10 pages on the second novel before I crawled into bed yesterday feeling like a mac truck hit me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So after blogging I hit a block words started to slam into my head almost to the point of causing a migraine. I made a cup of tea sat back and just stared at the open clean word page and then I type away like a mad women for 90 minutes until I had 11 pages added to the book. WOW!!! Thank you muse for coming back and slamming me with the words I needed to get over whatever it was that I was feeling.

Monday, April 2, 2012


My book seems to have stalled out with just like my running. I kept making excuses this weekend as to why I could not do either one. New day, new week time to get my butt moving and my hands typing away. It is 20 days until the Oshkosh Half Marathon, my first half marathon ever and my first of 2 this year. I know that I am mentally blocking myself from doing both things I love to do. I just need to but my fear aside and do what I love.